Adobe After Effects: Double Exposure.

In VFX, i’m working on a new project, which is double exposure. Essentially what double exposure is getting two or more images and almost ghost then into each other so they look like they’re merging together. Below is an example

Image result for double exposure

In order to create this double exposure effect, you start off with an image of a person, or a persons face, and then in after effects mask the areas you want to either be taken out or merged with another image. After that, you have to select an alpha channel for your chosen background so you can get the merging effect. That was a very brief example, as i actually don’t fully understand how it works yet, but practicing will definitely change that. Below is the image that i created.

actually tokyo thing

It’s pretty a simple image, nothing too complex but i actually really like the end result, and i’m extremely happy with it.

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